Escape Room DISC Exercise

Image by David Hofmann.

Make your next escape room team-building outing more fun and impactful with this DiSC handout and exercise.


This will reinforce the idea that people communicate differently when they disagree, and that shouldn't shut down collaboration.

Step 1

Print this double-sided handout for your escape room challenge. One side helps people recognize each other's styles, the other side shows what healthy and unhealthy conflict behaviors look like during disagreement.

Step 2

Before your team enters the escape room, share a copy of the handout with each team member. Ask each person to tell the group their DiSC style and what some of their communication tendencies are when they are in productive conflict vs. unproductive conflict. Have them take the handout with them while in the escape room, and ask them to use it to disagree in productive ways.

Step 3

After the escape room, debrief with the team. Ask team members to share what they learned about themselves and each others’ style and behaviors during disagreement. Conclude by going around the circle to ask each member to share their key takeaway about how they’ll use what they learned to remain in productive conflict during disagreement.


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