Reading and connecting with dominant people
This week, the Daily Tip is exploring a simple technique to read and relate to people using the DiSC Model. Today, we will look at characteristics of the Dominant or “D” Style.
Using just two variables (skeptical/accepting and fast/slow) you can easily size someone up using the chart below. A “D” Style or Dominant person is easy to identify by their fast pace and skepticism.
Fast-paced and accepting people are probably the “i” or Influence Style.
Dominant style people are more likely to be aggressive or to push vigorously for their opinions and goals. They probably want to control a situation and may be forceful.
They often show less concerns for other people’s opinions or preferences and will have less patience for people or situations that don’t conform to their goals, beliefs, or preferences.
They’re probably quick to show irritation or to become argumentative and can be direct and blunt.
You may be saying, “D” Style people sound like jerks. That’s not the point. There’s no good or bad style in the DiSC model, just descriptions of human tendencies. And effective leaders utilize each style to the team’s advantage.
D style people are helpful in getting things done, exhibiting strong leadership or decisive behavior. They tell it like is, are focused on results and are less afraid of diving head-first into a challenge.
Mark Cuban and Kamala Harris are “D” Styles.
To help you identify people with a “D” Style, think of someone you know who is fast-paced and skeptical. How many of the traits above do you see in them?
How can you connect with Dominant people?
When you identify someone as a “D” Style, you can more easily connect with them, and get them to see things your way, if you:
Are prepared to express your opinion candidly and directly
Get straight to the point
Set and clarify goals and objectives
Talk in terms of results, not methods
Keep an eye on the end-goal
Resolve issues by focusing on the result
Tomorrow, we’ll take a look at the “i” Style, including how to quickly identify and connect with social people.